

Food Festival, Advocacy for Tourism, Healthcare and The Environment, Content Platform

How a social experiment lead to Cambodia’s biggest food festival.


Slaprea, is Cambodia’s Biggest Food Festival with over 30,000 event participants in 8 hours, boasting hundreds of dishes, beverages, flavours and textures from all over the world into one convenient location.

Although Slaprea started as a social experiment on waste management, it evolved to research all facets of human nature and behaviour from hygiene, to art, and even to racial tolerance. Yes, you read that right, we believe that humanity’s mutual love of food can bridge gaps between communities through shared experiences.


During the COVID pandemic, Slaprea has temporarily focused on promotion of small business stories, Cambodian cuisine, and intimate tasting events that delight all who take the courage to taste.


Slaprea in Numbers:

  • 3 Slapreas and 2 Kon-Slapreas (Baby Slaprea) with over 90,000 bellies filled over a 3 year period

  • Over 400 food and beverage vendors, cafes and restaurants

  • 5 Policy-Advising reports on waste management and public hygiene

  • Over 500 youth volunteers (aged 18 - 24) trained and acknowledged:

    • Waste Management and Single-Use Plastic training and research

    • Health and Safety Training and Research

    • Communications Training

    • Event Production and Management Training

  • 1 baby dressed as a broccoli at the Slaprea Food Parade with marching band (next year, we’ll get 100!)

2019 Write-Up:

Imagine a festival welcoming all to taste

new flavors and dishes, experience new cuisines,

engage in fun activities for all ages in a beautiful

community setting. All this while minimizing

environmental impact and becoming

one of the safest food events in Asia.

Slaprea is heaven for Foodies - it’s all about tasting!


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