Q4 2021 Waste Management Findings - The Idea x Volunteer Nation Report

After nearly 20 months of placing our waste management reporting on hiatus due to COVID 19, The Idea and Volunteer Nation have teamed up with W.I.G (Women’s International Group) Cambodia and Fly Phnom Penh to generate a snapshot report on consumer insights regarding their waste behaviour and attitudes.

This series of reporting gives decision-makers in public, private and development sectors insight to public sentiment and behaviour to better manage and influence resources and policy for a sustainable environment, hopefully with potential pathways least resistance.

This report was made possible thanks to our civic-minded volunteers: Raksa Seng, Chan Sorya, Jannora Ourn, Lisa Hy, Sonita Kang, Vonghour Leng and a special thanks to Chou PuyMeily.

If you or your organization are interested in contributing or finding out how you can improve your environmental impact and footprint, please contact us here.