How to keep your business afloat and well during this economic crisis by adjusting your expenses and managing your cash flow
Business Strategy, Reports and Insights, CSR, BlogGaleno ChuaThe Idea Consultancy Co., LtdConsulting, Covid 19, CSR, free resource, finance, support
What do you do as a business owner to protect your financial health, team and reputation
Computers, Litter and Learning - CSR in action in Cambodia
Reports and Insights, Blog, CSRGaleno ChuaThe Idea Consultancy Co., LtdCSR, Social Responsibility, Social Impact, business strategy, Consulting, Reporting, insights, STEM, Education, Cambodia
Scope for long-term collaborations and sponsorships
How Yamaha Cambodia doubled its market share from a food festival
Galeno ChuaThe Idea Consultancy Co., Ltdmarket research, consult, research, food festival, slaprea, innovation, business, business strategy, Cambodia, customers, sales, market share, yamaha, yamaha cambodia, b2b, b2c, consumer insights, Market Analysis, modern marketing, social media, target audience, the idea consultancy, the idea, motorbike
10 actionable steps to achieve your goal with Maximum Impact Limited Expenditure m
Galeno Chuaconsulting, 10 Mile Action Plan, Action Plan, Action Planning, Social Impact, marketing, business, strategy, business strategy, operations, marketing consulting, marketing consultation, business consultation
The essential 3P's to keep public spaces and events clean and litter-free
Reports and InsightsGaleno ChuaThe Idea Consultancy Co., Ltdconsulting, market research, behavioural change, behaviour change, environment, strategy, social impact, csr, water festival, cambodia, 2019, litter, litter free, public space, rubbish, rubbish water festival, rubbish water festival cambodia