Posts in Sustainability
How to Use Journey-Mapping for Sustainability: A Step by Step Guide Part 2

Prioritising initiatives is the key step between strategy and execution, the gap between talking the talk and walking the walk. Because integrating sustainability with commercial objectives is the only possible pathway for most companies to even think about starting their sustainability journey, we prepared this short article to provide some context to mediating between the two, whilst prioritising which initiatives to tackle first.

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How to Use Journey-Mapping for Sustainability: A Step-by-Step Guide Part 1

A journey-map in sustainability is a detailed roadmap of your business operations, from inputs to outputs, to outcomes. This comprehensive process helps you understand what's happening at every step in your business, using environmental, social, and commercial perspectives to uncover opportunities, challenges, and innovative solutions.

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How to Write a Sustainability Commitment: A Step-by-Step Guide for Businesses in 2024

Sustainability is how we do everything; from the choice of web hosting that has a better energy and carbon outcome to procurement of materials locally where the carbon footprint is lower, revenue stays in the local economy and those (could) get shifted to suppliers with better working conditions.

So if we don’t invest enough in the formulation of the vision and commitments, the organisation’s day to day decisions and actions will continue creating negative impact whether it knows it or not.

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